Q-2, r. 35.1 - Québec residual materials management policy

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7.10. Reporting on results
Managing residual matter is everyone’s concern and it is important that Quebecers stay informed about the results of such management efforts. The report on residual materials management in Québec published every 2 years is an indispensable tool that the government plans to keep. This report will help us maintain up-to-date knowledge on the various materials and provide the information necessary to monitor Policy and action plan objectives.
Furthermore, the report on residual materials management must contain reliable data. The government wants to ensure it has access to all information that may be useful in assessing the situation. Disposal site operators must therefore continue producing the data they are required to send to the government and must make this data easier to process. In addition those who recover, sort, process, recycle, or reclaim residual materials must report these materials.
Online information tools will make it possible to evaluate the progress of local and regional municipalities in residual materials management.
In addition, the vision of the partners working with the government to manage residual materials is important for optimizing Policy implementation. With this in mind, the government wants to promote discussion forums.
O.C. 100-2011, s. 7.10.